anxiety and study


Life and learning can be a stressful experience at times. Being able to destress and come into the present moment is a powerful tool for any student, and it can be an effective way to overcome anxiety, nervousness and fear.

Here are some mindful study strategies to implement with your children or with yourself, when you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed. It will help you to become calm and centred once again, so that your studies can continue in a positive and constructive manner.

1. When you discover that you or your child has become bored, distracted, annoyed or frustrated with study, stop and return to the breath. Count the breaths and notice how they slow down. As the breath slows down, so does the mind. A calmness within the body and mind makes it possible to think and study more clearly and effectively. 

2. Ask your child or yourself to identify and name the emotion being felt.

3. Ask your child or yourself to express the true emotion being felt. Really feel the emotion and locate where it is sitting in the body.

4. Ask your child or yourself to explain in words what is happening. This will bring awareness to the present time problem.

5. Identify if there is a word or a phrase that your child or yourself does not understand.

6. Clear up the word by using the Word Awareness Procedure.

7. After clearing up any unknown words or phrases, tune into the senses. Notice and pay attention to: a) Any smells b) Any sounds c) Any sensations; heat, cold, pressure, weight etc. 

8. Look around the room and find anything in the environment that is liked or cherished. Name the item. Repeat this 10 times.

9. Walk around the environment or room and touch items and things that interest you. Really pay attention to how things feel and look. Continue this process until you or your child seems brighter or more relaxed and calm.

10. Recall a time when you felt pleasure, amusement or great happiness. Recall this pleasure moment with all the senses, such as sight, sound, colour, weight, touch, emotion etc.

Finish by taking 5 deep breaths and notice if you or your child are feeling any better and ready to continue studying. By this time, you or your child will be feeling lighter and brighter.

These Mindful Study Strategies are used by Live and Learn Education specialist tutors, and are part of the Holistic Educational development and mentoring program. Practice these Mindful Strategies any time, and discover for yourself how simple and helpful they are.

For more information on clearing up unknown words go to the Word Awareness Procedure article.