“Bhakti Yoga or Bhakti Marga is not a religion and it is not a group that one joins. It is something that you find in the deepest part of your soul. It is the process by which one falls in love with the divine and remembers their highest devotional identity. It is the path of Love, and it is the very thing that every living entity is looking for.” Madhubala


Bhakti yoga is the prescribed practice for this day and age of Kali. The practice of Bhakti yoga completely revolves around love and service. Service is an expression of love overflowing from the heart. We all engage in serving to those we love. This is the natural propensity of the heart.Through Bhakti Yoga we are able to find a loving connection with the Divine that truly nourishes us and soothes our heart and soul. Home programs are an opportunity to bring together a community of people who are searching for this loving connection with the Divine. Through readings of ancient sacred texts, chanting, singing and educational discourse, we find our true position and place on the spiritual platform. This is an opportunity to engage in practices that raise the consciousness to a higher transcendental platform in order to escape the burdens of present life. Book a home program with us or connect with us to find out when the next event is scheduled.

Chant the Holy Names of the Lord in a humle state of mind.

“Hare nāma Hare nāma Hare nāmaiva kevalam kalau nāsty eva nāsty eva nāsty eva gatir anyathā”

 ‘In this iron age of quarrel and hypocrisy, the only means of deliverance is the chanting of the holy names of the Lord. There is no other way, there is no other way, there is no other way.’ 

Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya lila 6.242

“Nitya-siddha Krsna-prema sadhya kabhu naya Sravanadi-suddha-citte karaye udaya”

Krsna prema is a potentiality which sits eternally in the hearts of all living entities; it is not brought about by sadhana. It manifests itself in the heart, purified by sadhana and the performance of the limbs of Bhakti including Hearing, Chanting, Singing, Praying and Remembering. Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila 22.107


The Bhagavad-gita or “Song of God” is universally renowned as the jewel of spiritual wisdom. Spoken over 5,000 years ago, the Gita's seven hundred concise verses provide a definitive guide to the science of self realisation. No other philosophical or religious work reveals, in such a profound way, the nature of consciousness, the self, the universe and the Supreme.

Join us each Friday evening for classes pertaining to the most confidential knowledge on pure spiritual practice for this age. His divine grace Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada came to the Western world to give us access to these ancient texts by translating them from Sanskrit into english. Those who are fortunate to hear this knowledge will quickly find liberation from the endless cycle of birth and death.

We look forward to sharing with you this sacred knowledge, devotional chanting and singing, social connection with like minded souls and a light tasty supper afterwards.


Spiritual ministry is about freedom. Specifically, your freedom to live a life that aligns with the utmost truth of your divine self. We are eternal beings who have become conditioned to live in a world that continues to cheat us and test our divine essence. Understanding the goal of life is a process by which we come to understand and believe in a reality according to our highest truth and the knowledge that is connected with it. This service provides loving guidance, counselling and emotional support to those weary souls who want to find their way out of the repeated birth and death cycle of conditioned life. Please book an appointment if you need support or simply a listening heart. Your concerns and difficulties become easier to handle when they are shared with another soul who cares.