


Soul gazing is a powerful alternative form of meditation, like breath meditation. It is a deep and personal act that brings you into union with self and others on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. It can happen between partners, friends, or even strangers.


Applying The Principles Into Our Lives.

By Michelle Constance: BAppSc Grad Dip Psychology


As humans, most of us live immersed in our daily lives, with little thought of who we truly are. Most of us have never realized our true self, the soul, or what the Buddha called Anatta. As a result, we believe we are these limited bodies. Over many years of conditioning in this material world, we begin to form an identity of ourselves based on our experiences and worldly knowledge. This limiting view of ourselves is not who we truly are, yet we can’t help but identify with the character that we have come to recognise as the self or the ego. As a result, we lose touch with our divinity and our true purpose.

Meditation and Mindfulness.

Meditation has surged in popularity in recent years, from a mild interest to a mainstream trend expedited by therapists, scientists, teachers and celebrities. Most people however, have a lot of misconceptions about what meditation really is, and today we find many activities to calm the mind that have been called Meditation but are more like processesto help alleviate suffering. When you are saying affirmations or being guided through some imagery or hypnosis, you may feel better and more relaxed, but this is not meditation. Meditation is being regarded as a process in order to get some kind of outcome or result but rather Meditation is actually the outcome not the process.

The world’s greatest spiritual teachers throughout the ages, have shared the view that the deepest truth of our being is not to be found in any particular spiritual tradition, but can be found within the truth of each individual person. The essence of the ancient Vedic teachings and the Buddha, teaches us to reach for that which is beyond name and form, beyond thinking and beyond the material. So then, whilst the purpose of Mediation has many uses, it’s true purpose is not a meditation type in itself. All traditional techniques of meditation recognise that the object of focus, and even the process of monitoring, is just a means to train the mind, so that inner silence and deeper states of connectedness can be discovered. Eventually the process itself is left behind. The only thing left, is the true self or state of perfect “beingness” or oneness with creation. This end product is meditation, and it is known as the state of Samadhi. 

So then, the goal of meditation is to go beyond the mind and experience our essential nature—which is described in the Vedic Scriptures as “Sat, Chit, Ananda”- Eternity, Knowledge and Bliss. Satrefers to the true absolute being of pure awareness, and that which never changes. Chit refers to consciousness, knowledge, or being one with that which never changes. Anandais the experience of bliss which goes with fullness of life, consciousness, truth and connection to purpose.

Meditation has huge benefits but one that stands out is the increased flow of energy in the body, emotional release and the opening of the Heart Chakra. A deeper level of love is experienced. You begin to forgive yourself and others and release all feelings of guilt and victimization. This feeling of happiness for all situations, then develops the practice of gratitude. Higher levels of divinity within you are ignited and activated. You experience a very deep and innermost connection to source with a feeling of divine love, peace and joy.

The mind itself, is the biggest obstacle standing between ourselves and higher awareness. The mind is undisciplined and often out of control. So therefore learning to control it is vital. Throughout our lives we are taught how to move and behave in the outer world, but we are never taught how to be still and examine what is within us. We learn the art of inner guidance pure thought and control, through Meditation. The joy of meditation is immense and lasting. This is a truth supported by a long line of wise sages and teachers, both those who have renounced the world and attained truth, and those who continue living in the world yet remaining unaffected by it. 


Translated from the Pali term “sati” mindfulness literally means “to remember” or “to bear in mind.” In Sanskrit it is known as “smriti ” which translates as, “That, which is remembered”.

Mindfulness is rooted in Buddhist thought and theory. In the West, it was popularized in the 1970s by a professor Jon Kabat-Zinn, who developed the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, which he launched at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 1979. By the early 2000s, the concept of mindfulness had expanded in popularity.

Mindfulness is a developed practice of maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through the practice of meditation and other training. Mindfulness also involves acceptance of what “is.” This means that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them or trying to alter them in any way. When we practice mindfulness, our thoughts tune into what we are sensing in the present moment rather than turning our attention to past images and recordings of the mind, or future creations of the imagination. When we are able to accept a situation or a condition without resistance, we will find that it will be easier to manage and overcome.  

Meditation and Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist, states that the opposite of forgetfulness is mindfulness. Mindfulness is the energy that helps us recognize the conditions of happiness that are already present in our lives. He reminds us that our true home is not in the past, that our true home is not in the future, but is in the here and the now.

Live and Learn Services offers a groundbreaking Clear Mind Communication Masterclass never before offered in Perth Western Australia. This class will introduce you to the principles behind Meditation and Mindfulness in an extremely unique and masterful way. If you feel that you can’t meditate or that mindfulness is something that you could never hope to accomplish, then think again. This Masterclass will have you accessing mind states of a seasoned meditator within a few short hours. There is no reason you cannot experience the true connectedness mentioned above with some very simple drills from this class.

Benefits of the Clear Mind Communication Masterclass

  • Excel in your personal and professional life.

  • Gain the ability to pinpoint the obstacles that stop you from getting what you want.

  • Know how to bring harmony into every situation in one’s life.

  • Alleviate your stress at home, at work and in social situations.

  • Learn the skills behind what true self-discipline is.

  • Master the skills to confront problems head on.

  • Newfound ability to handle difficult and challenging circumstances and conditions.

  • Greater confidence and awareness.

  • Dissolve negative and destructive mindsets.

  • Greater Happiness in one’s life.

  • Experience greater vitality and health.

  • Improved intellectual capacity.

  • Greater resilience to challenges.

  • Increased balance and intimacy in personal relationships.

For more information contact me on the following website or look into enrolling in our Clear Mind Communication Masterclass.
