In order to study and to understand well, we must always make sure that we have a clear awareness of words. Each word in our language has a specific meaning and if you do not grasp that meaning, you may well find yourself becoming confused, upset and totally vacant.
By Michelle Constance : Holistic Education Specialist
The purpose of learning is to acquire knowledge so that one can use it to achieve goals in life. Without basic literacy skills, a student will become bored, confused or lost. Live and Learn Services holistic Education Academy provides a specialist, Super Literacy Programme for students of all ages. This course is for those who are beginners, for the remedial student and for professionals who want to improve their study skills or learn English as a second language.
The course consists of 6 levels, each of which is designed specifically to teach the Phonics of the english language, basic grammar, writing and cutting edge Study Skills. All of these subjects are taught on a gradient that is appropriate for easy and efficient learning. Live and Learn Services Specialist Educators will monitor the success of the student and allow them to work at their own pace. The Literacy specialist Course maintains excellent retention and conceptual understanding of data for all their students. They will acquire knowledge that will be with them for the rest of their lives.
The Phonics section of the course, teaches the 44 distinctive phonological units of sound. It teaches that letters and combinations of letters represent specific sounds. These are known as Phonemes. Most students are never taught to sound out their words. Rather, they are expected to memorise words and hence miss out on the fundamentals of learning how to spell and read fluently.
Most students learn the most common sounds of the letters of the alphabet, but they need a true understanding of how a single letter can have more than one sound. Students also need a thorough understanding of how two or more letters can represent just one sound, these are known as phonics or Phonemes. Once the fundamental sounds of the english language are learned, students can then sound out their words with auditory processing and manage to become good spellers and writers.
As part of the comprehensive course, Grammar is also thoroughly taught and practiced with all students becoming very competent. In a manner of days, student can complete the Great Grammar Course and have a working knowledge of all Grammar essentials.
Comprehension is another part of this Literacy Specialist Course. Most students read robotically, passing over words they do not understand. This results in little or no comprehension of the content being read. Live and Learn Services is unique in using cutting edge techniques to teach understanding and meanings of words. Students gain full understanding of what they read or study, and become super literate with expanded literary skills. As a result, students retain what they have learned and will be able to use the knowledge to their benefit throughout the course of their life.
A unique aspect of Live and Learn Services is the restoration of a student’s passion and eagerness to learn. Learning becomes an invigorating experience and the student becomes self-confident, positive and happy within themselves.
Life is full of Learning.
For more information on the Literacy Specialist Course contact us.