“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
Live and Learn Services is committed to providing a confidential and unique caring environment for solutions to education, healing and life enhancement, specializing in Therapeutic Life Intervention Coaching and Transformational Processing.
With over 30 years of cross disciplinary study and personal life experience, Live and Learn Services provides practical strategic actions and processes for transforming non optimal energetic thought patterns, and clearing mental paradigms that are no longer useful for education, personal success, and ultimate happiness.
Live and Learn Services aims to enlighten and facilitate your personal journey of self-discovery and conscious learning, to help you to take control and responsibility for each new learning phase of your life and to help guide you on your path of self actualisation. Self-actualization is a term that has been used in various psychological theories. The term was originally introduced by the theorist Kurt Goldstein who focused on neurology and psychology. Goldstein's holistic approach involved all aspects of the personality that is motivated to realize one's full potential. Expressing one's creativity, a desire for spiritual enlightenment, pursuit of knowledge, and the desire to give to society are examples of self-actualization.
Each individual has his or her distinctive purpose. With the aid of therapeutic life coaching, you will discover a reconnection with your authentic self and begin planning a life of fulfilment and service. Based on authentic education and mindful strategies, you will discover that old habits, traumas, anxieties, compulsions, confusions, grief, depression and even physical illness may drop away, and be transformed into new opportunities for growth and learning.
Strategies for Life transformation
Today there are many strategies and intervention techniques to facilitate your journey of life transformation. Live and Learn Services offers comprehensive procedures and guided instruction to produce lasting and permanent change in your life. The following exclusive strategies are all part of your incredible journey of self actualisation and personal empowerment:
Transpersonal Spiritual Integration
Cognitive Regression Therapy
Psychological Strategic Life Coaching
Mindfulness Communication and Meditation Training
Reiki and Body Mind Healing.
Compassion Strategies for healing the Wounded Child
WA Therapeutic Bush Flower Remedies
The word transpersonal, relates to states or areas of consciousness and self-awareness beyond the limits of personal identity. Throughout time, sages, shamans and spiritual masters have all recognised that our existence in this material world is governed by an energy that transcends the physical laws of matter, space and time. Scientific and Quantum Physics studies also support a common thread of acceptance denoting the existence of a unique energy or life force. This life force has been described in many texts and is known by many names. Some refer to it as the Soul, the Spirit or the Atman, whilst others refer to this energy as the Field, Theta or Élan Vital.
Transpersonal Spiritual Integration recognises the importance of this energy and works with the natural essence of the personality and the mind to bring about a higher awareness of the true self and its journey throughout time.
Transpersonal Spiritual Integration employs ground-breaking processing techniques that directly addresses the source of disturbing incidents of the past. It manages to unravel, so to speak, the personality’s unique paradigm of recording and encoding of these incidents. Therapy will directly handle the trapped energy and consequent emotional upset that accompanies any events that have caused aberrant thinking or dysfunctional behaviour.
As you move through the unique levels of Transpersonal Spiritual Integration you will discover great self-awareness and understanding about your personal life journey and the significant resolves that you have made along the way. Many life challenges will be handled and you will begin to feel more confident, alive and unburdened as you become more aligned with your true self and life purpose.
Benefits of Transpersonal Spiritual Integration:
increase mental ability and intellectual capacity
master the ability to take control and full RESPONSIBILITY
improve ethical and moral standards
greater cognitive abilities and perception
self awareness and higher consciousness
Increased creative imagination and artistry.
Improved communication skills and interpersonal relationships
better understanding of how to handle problems
Improved vigour, persistence and tenacity toward life
Greater confidence in one’s own abilities
Cognitive Regression Therapy is a therapeutic technique that uncovers the source of unwanted sensations, emotions, accidents, injuries and psychosomatic illnesses. Cognitive Regression is a therapeutic tool that will assist the client to gain confidence in their own innate ability to manifest a life of abundance and purpose. Dr Sigmund Freud’s discovery of the existence of an unconscious mind is one of the major discoveries about the mechanics and operation of the human mind. Further research has shown exactly how the mind works and how it is possible to eliminate trauma and pain.
Cognitive Regression can be explained in terms of understanding the fundamental components of an individual. We are essentially composed of three key elements; body, mind and spirit. The body is our material existence and all parts of the body including the brain, which acts like an electrical switch board. The mind is understood as a recording mechanism that records and stores all memories and its perceptics. The spirit refers to that part of yourself that you identify as being who you really are. It is your identity, your true self, your higher self.
The Human Mind can be considered to have two major divisions:
The Analytical Mind.
This is the conscious, aware mind, which thinks, observes data, remembers and resolves problems and analyses data. This part of the mind records and stores information from the environment and places them into memory banks as Mental Image Pictures. These pictures are three dimensional pictures containing all of ones peceptics such as sound, smell, taste, colour, weight, tactile etc. The conclusions, thoughts, emotions and efforts are also recorded by the individual and stored in the memory banks ready for recall at any time.These pictures are actually composed of energy. They have mass, and they exist in space and they follow some very definite maxims of behaviour, the most interesting of which is the fact that they appear when one thinks of something. -The mind contains a consecutive record of mental image pictures that accumulate throughout a person’s life and this is known as the time track.
The Reactive Mind.
The reactive mind is the very primal part of the mind and it works on a totally stimulus–response basis. It stores all the mental Image recordings of the individual when he is in pain or unconscious or sick or in a lowered state of awareness e.g. when taking drugs or alcohol. These stored memories are recorded by the reactive mind when the analytical mind has shut down or attenuated. The individual is not aware of the recordings made by the reactive mind since they were recorded when the person was in a lower or non-existent sate of awareness. These recordings are the basis of our irrational behaviour, our fears, our illnesses, our upsets and our unexplained behaviours that we cannot seem to control.
Cognitive Regression Therapy uses a returning process to remove the adverse effects of painful recordings. In therapy these recordings are accessed, inspected, rearranged and integrated back into the conscious, analytical memory banks. The goal of Cognitive Regression Therapy is to take away the non-survival, painful and traumatic recordings that distort an individual’s behaviour and thinking. As a result, one is freed up to be causative over life once again, able to manifest one’s life goals and purpose.