Whatever you believe about yourself deep within, so shall you manifest in the material universe. Gravitate toward those things that truly nourish your supreme spiritual essence.
— Madhuballa


Loving Devotion

“Bhakti Yoga isn’t something you join, it’s Love. It means falling in love.” Krishna Das

Understanding the goal of life is a gradual process of association with devotional souls and teachers who can guide us out of the complexities of this material world. Many teachers and Gurus have come to show us how to find eternal love for the Divine. Bhakti yoga is the prescibed practices for this day and age.The practice of Bhakti yoga completely revolves around love. You can practice Bhakti through devotional chanting, the repetition of mantras, or the direction of unconditional love and service to the divine in a personal relationship.

Our home programs bring together a community of people who are searching for this loving connection with the divine. Through readings of sacred texts, chanting, singing and educational discourse we find our true position and place on the spiritual platform. This is an opportunity to engage in practices that raise the consciousness to a higher transcendental platform in order to escape the burdens of this present life.  Book a home program with us or connect with us to find out when the next event is scheduled.


Communication is a skill that you can learn. It’s like riding a bicycle or typing. If you’re willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.
— Brian Tracy

Communication is life. Human society thrives on communication. Therefore, the significance of communication cannot and should not be underestimated. Without effective communication skills, our personal, academic and professional relationships become problematic. When communication channels break down, life becomes a burden rather than a celebration.

We all need to be able to express ourselves to others, and in turn, understand the expressions of others. If a baby does not cry and communicate to its mother, it will not be adequately nurtured and cared for. If a manager cannot communicate with his employees, morale and production suffers. Similarly, if a student cannot understand words communicated in text or cannot understand their teachers, they will become confused and give up their studies.

Authentic and effective communication leads to a harmonious life and a holistic understanding of our purpose and personal interrelationships. Taking steps to learn some fundamental strategies in communication, can enhance our overall lives and life studies.


Life is composed of Communication. Learn the skill of effective and mindful communication with self and others.

Mindful communication and effective control, are prerequisites to a successful life. It is much better to have a good command of life and know how to communicate, than it is to stumble along feeling inadequate, insecure and struggling with personal interrelationships.

This workshop is offered by the Academy on a regular basis and has been uniquely designed to instruct students and professionals the art of communicate as well as bring about a higher degree of efficiency in one’s business, every day social interactions, studies and personal relationships.

A course graduate will find that they have learned some very fundamental skills that will help them confidently navigate the intricacies of communication with anyone throughout the course of their lives. You will learn and understand what it is to be in good communication with others and improve your awareness and concentration abilities. You will find that you are able to use your newfound skills in all personal, professional, family, and educational settings.


Overcoming barriers to communication

Active listening skills


ability to focus attention

Building rapport and empathy

clearer thinking


Understanding emotions

greater confidence in handling conflict

mindful AWARENESS of present time

improved ability to handle NEGATIVE MINDSETS

GREATER HAPPINESS and self esteem

ABILITY to confront life on life’s terms


Contact us for more information on joining our next Clear Mind Communication Class or book a class if you for your Community, School or Organisation.

Providing opportunities for academic and cultural education in line with traditional values

The story of Golden Avatar Gurukula (school) started in 1998 with the humble vision of one undergraduate student called Dalia, in the small town of Nabadwip, West Bengal. She herself had struggled financially to receive an education and so, made a conviction, to help at least one other student. After Dalia's graduation, one student became a few, which became twenty-four in 2009. The school continues to grow today, with a current total of seventy-eight students being cared for, from Grade One to Upper Secondary and Tertiary. With the help and support of people from overseas, the school continues to flourish and provide opportunities for all throughout the community. The captivating Transcendental Art produced by the students at Golden Avatar Gurukula are for sale, and have now become an inspiring enterprise. In collaboration with the Golden Avatar Trust opportunities for academic and cultural education in line with the traditional values of the community, provide positive growth and identity for each child and their families.

 The Education Initiative of the Golden Avatar Gurukula aims to not only educate, but to transform students into empowered, self-directed learners, with the capability to lead, and the ability to face life challenges. This is achieved by providing a full holistic education including not only academic subjects, but arts, music, dance, sports, martial arts, vocational training and farming. In a nurturing and family-like environment, students pursue their studies finding purpose and the confidence to pursue meaningful lives.

Golden Avatar Gurukula


Those who have entered into a transcendental relationship with the divine relish at every step the pastimes of the Lord.
— Srila Prabhupada

Tucked away beneath a grove of gumtrees in the Swan Valley region of Western Australia, The Sacred India Gallery offers a unique interactive experience. Guests are taken on a one hour guided tour which takes in breathtaking installations and the incredible miniature work of resident artist Jagattarini. The gallery is an artistic maze of intricate displays, traditional Indian carvings, and Jagattarini’s exquisite miniatures, all of which capture the sights, sounds, and mystical atmosphere of spiritual India.

A Sacred Tour

"A wonderful and uniquely talented team of artists, sculptors, and designers from different parts of the world worked together to create this masterpiece.”


Trauma did not make you stronger, YOU made yourself stronger.... by Surviving
— Dr. Jen

Take Back Your Life

“You can be free from the bonds of pain that bind you.”

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that occurs after a person has experienced a traumatic event. The event can be a one-time event, or it can be a series of traumatic events that happen over the course of an extended period of time. It is also possible to develop PTSD from witnessing a traumatic event. That is, you don’t have to be personally involved in a traumatic event to feel the effects of trauma.

When someone experiences a traumatic event, it’s not surprising that this can intensify other mental health issues or even lead to new ones. Dealing with anxiety, depression, shock, grief and self blame after a traumatic experience is common, and the longer you leave your symptoms untreated, the harder and more complicated it becomes to be able to heal.

This powerful workshop has been uniquely crafted to teach a powerful message of inner strength and wisdom. Through powerful exercises, somatic breath work and innovative techniques and training, you will experience for the first time what it is like to safely release, let go and empower yourself. You will discover and understand your unconscious emotions, thoughts and behaviours and you will learn how to take back control of your life and be free.


Mindfulness and peace of heart

understanding the anatomy of trauma

Discovering self love and forgiveness

greater self esteem and confidence

mastering the emotions and overwhelm

Understanding disociation

Development of trust

Better communication with self and others

Improved relationships

Awareness of present time

relaxation and meditation practices

Taking back power and control of your lifE