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By Michelle Constance

BApp Sc Grad Dip Psychology

Education Specialist and Life Transformation Coach

In the Clear Mind Communication Masterclass with Live and Learn Services, there is a series of Mindful Drills that teach communication and confidence. One of the many Mindful Drills involves Eye Gazing. More recently, it has become an interesting practice. It is a highly underestimated and powerful exercise, and its purpose appears to allow us to experience a deeper connection to our self, to others and to life. It is uncertain where the true origin of this practice has stemmed from, but it can be traced back thousands of years to ancient tantric tradition. When used as a therapeutic tool in order to improve communication and confidence, it appears to have a profound effect upon those who have managed to practice these Mindful Drills effectively.

Many people, including myself, have had indescribable experiences while practicing this one Eye Gazing Drill; such as seeing auras, past lives, and other insights and awareness. By simply directing your attention and looking into the eyes of another individual, you can discover an enormous awareness about yourself, your personal and even the collective consciousness. Many who have practiced these Mindful Drills, have found that certain mindsets seemed to vanish or dissolve, and that somehow, they feel more at ease with life and more capable.

Giovanni Caputo, a psychologist, researched eye gazing and found that it can induce a drug-free altered state of consciousness.  One explanation for these experiences is neural adaptation. Our neurons can slow down and even completely stop their response to stimulation that is constant. Interesting, when correctly supervised, these Eye Gazing Mindful Drill Processes most definitely raise the ability of the individual to manage and cope with life more effectively. Somehow the slowing of neuron connections, allows for the individual to filter constant stimulation from the external world and allow for internal processing and emotional regulation. 

Making eye contact is a very fundamental ability when it comes to effective communication. For some, it may be an overwhelming experience due to lack of confidence, fear of emotions, shyness and even cultural restrictions. 

Scientists from Kyoto University in Japan decided to study this by observing a group of volunteers staring at different faces. The participants would have to either make eye contact or look away while simultaneously playing word association games. Participants were asked to identify verb association with particular words; for example, the word “knife” could be associated with cut, stab or dissect. When making eye contact, the participants had greater difficulty finding associating words, specifically when more difficult word associations were involved. 

The study showed that making eye contact does take cognitive effort to maintain and that “there is a relationship between spoken word, mental thought and eye contact.” Eye contact and verbal processing appear to interfere with each other somehow. 

Interestingly, no words are needed when preforming the Mindful Drills in the course. The non-verbal communication that takes place, is much more powerful than any spoken word, so it’s simply unnecessary.

 One explanation for this, is that our cognitive system of operation is mostly governed by the words that we use to describe things and our experiences in this world. However, words can be understood as simply symbols that represent thought, emotion and awareness itself. The words we use to describe our experiences, become our mode of operation and yet they are not a true representation of our experiences, nor our emotions or awareness. In actual fact, emotions, thought and awareness needs to be experienced in order to be processed and understood adequately. Words are often a limiting substitute for actually being in true communication with self, others and life.

When eye gazing under the expert control of the supervisors in the Clear Mind Communication Masterclass, graduates have claimed that they feel more alert and are more able to articulate and communicate  with themselves and others more competently. Somehow they felt like they were in more control of their lives and felt that it was an incredibly transformative and healing practice. 

 Powerful Experiences of the Mindful Drills:

  • Feeling awkward at first but then feelings of heightened awareness.

  • Feeling tired and dopey at first, but then feeling more alert and aware.

  • Images of a confusion and dark clouds leaving their space.

  • Experience of great inner peace and sense of real purpose.

  • More confidence and trust in self.

  • More relaxed and ability to focus.

  • Feeling more light-hearted, as if a weight had been lifted.

  • Intense physical and emotional reactions that eventually lead to a feelings of immense relief.

  • Feelings of great compassion and gratitude.

  • Sense of great love for self and others.

  • Becoming more patient and equipoised.

  • Able to concentrate better.

  • Able to communicate more authentically and be more intimate with others.

  • In touch with real emotions and thoughts.

  • Greater ability to find solutions to problems.

 If you or anyone you know, feels that they may be interested in experiencing the benefits of practicing the unique Mindful Drills, then please contact us. Courses are run regularly and we are happy to keep you up to date.

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